ANSTO Nanoprobe Satellite Building






Construction & Building Design
Introba Group
E2E Design Group

In early 2023, arete Australia was awarded the $8.7 million Lump Sum Contract to deliver the Nanoprobe Satellite Building (NSB) project at the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron in Clayton, Victoria. 

The project demanded meticulous precision, particularly in the construction of the concrete components, where every detail was executed with millimetre accuracy to ensure unparalleled quality and performance. 

The NSB was a critical component of the BRIGHT facility upgrade, providing a dedicated space for the Nanoprobe beamline. This beamline facilitates cutting-edge X-ray experimentation, offering researchers unprecedented insights into materials at the nanoscale.

Key features of the NSB include:

  • Construction of a state-of-the-art building housing the Nanoprobe beamline equipment
  • Installation of three concrete tunnels, including a lengthy connection from the Main Experimental Hall to the interior of the NSB, ensuring seamless transmission of X-ray beams
  • Establishment of specialised laboratories within the building, including dry and PC2 labs, to support a wide range of research activities
  • Implementation of site adjustments to align with the height of the main building, including significant site excavation and soil removal

We extend our sincerest appreciation to all involved in making this project a success, including our dedicated team, partners, and stakeholders. The completion of the NSB represents a significant milestone for the ANSTO Australian Synchrotron, further solidifying its position as a global leader in synchrotron-based research.